
Pre-care Do’s and Don’ts to Help Prepare for Your Session

Pre-care instructions are designed to limit bleeding and skin sensitivities during your session. Fifty percent of the outcome of your permanent makeup session is dependent upon proper pre & after care. In order to heal properly, following these pre-care instructions are of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE.

Please follow to the best of your abilities to get the most out of your appointment!

**Please Note: Mature age, poor diet, stress, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, age, general health, sleep/fatigue. The more fatigued you are the lower your immune system is and infection is more likely to occur. Please get plenty of rest and drink lots of water to hydrate prior to procedure.

*Plan trips or events a minimum of 14 days after your procedure(s).

*Do not work out 24 hours before procedure.

*No alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before procedure.

*Avoid sun and tanning 1 week prior to procedure.

*Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 24 hours before procedure.

*No microdermabrasion or chemical peels 1 week before procedure.

*Discontinue Retin-A 4 weeks prior.

*Do not use AHA skincare products close to the treatment area 2 weeks before & 2 weeks after procedure.

*No Botox around the procedure area(s) 2 weeks prior & 2 weeks after.

*If you’ve been on prescription Accutane in the past, you MUST wait at least 1 year before considering any tattoo procedures.

*If you are experiencing any blemishes, acne, or skin irritations on procedure area(s) leading up to your appointment, please contact me. Failure to communicate any of these may result in a cancellation or rescheduling of your appointment.

*All makeup around procedure area will be removed during your appointment!

*Pictures of desired results are ALWAYS welcomed!

**Please Note: You will be more sensitive at your appointment during your menstrual cycle.

Pre-Care Brows


*Please bring either a picture of how you normally fill in your brows or fill them in for your appointment.

*No brow waxing or tinting 1 week prior to procedure.

Pre-Care Fine Line Tattoo


*Protect the area from the sun at least a few days in advance. Sunburned skin cannot be tattooed.

*Using tinted or very oily creams the day of the appointment is not recommended. They can saturate the skin and make it difficult to cleanse before tattooing.

*Get plenty of sleep the night before your appointment. Tattoos can drain your energy quickly. Eat a full meal before your appointment as well.

*Keep yourself hydrated for 24 hours before your appointment to help improve the quality of your skin. The better your skin, the easier it will heal!